Why You Should Choose Fonts That Are In Both Canva And Squarespace

There are lots of design choices to make when building your website. Some are big, standout choices like choosing a logo, selecting a colour scheme and so on.

It may seem obvious why these choices can be tricky, but one design choice that’s often overlooked is choosing the right font for your website. It’s fair to say lots of brands don’t consider this at all, and to be honest, it shows! I’m thinking of you, Florida State Parks!

Florida State Park.jpg
Why You Should Choose Fonts that are in Both Canva and Squarespace

If you’re not that design-minded you may be thinking, what’s the big deal?? Well, let me show you…

For a start you need to pick a font that fits your brand identity, one that is readable and accessible, one that your audience will be comfortable with, and that’s not too distracting either. This breaks down into questions like, should you use serif or sans serif fonts? (this requires a post all to itself!), will you be selecting a font family that gives you different sub-families of font to choose from? and more.

Once decided, you need to think about where you are going to get your fonts from, are you going to use one of the many free fonts that are available, are you going to buy one... Or even pay someone to design a font for you?

All these questions may be making your head spin, and you wouldn’t be the first!

When using novel or rare fonts it basically means you need to do all your graphic design from scratch. What if you could find fonts that give you lots of creative and branding freedom, but in places that make it easy to create quick and stylish looking graphics and web pages.

Well, you can. I recommend to all my clients that they use Canva to create graphical elements, and Squarespace for creating websites and online content.


Why use Canva and Squarespace compatible fonts?

The great thing about using these two famously easy to use and creatively powerful tools is that you can actually choose fonts that work in both Canva and Squarespace, so your designs will be compatible, and easy to produce and integrate.

It’s worth looking for fonts that work in both programmes before you start plastering your fav new typeface all over your website only to find out it’s not available in Canva (surely we’ve all had an experience like this!).

If you’re thinking mismatching fonts don’t matter, think again… less you end up like this company:

Choosing Fonts Squarespace Canva.jpg

Choosing fonts that work in both Squarespace and Canva can help you avoid your typography suggesting that your brand doesn’t care about the small details. 

Fonts that work in both Canva and Squarespace

You may be thinking ‘this is all very good, Marie, but how do I find fonts that work both in Canva and Squarespace?”

Well guess what I’ve created the below pinnable images so you’ll be able to see them all for yourself.

Display Fonts 1.png
Serif 1.png
Display 2.png
Serif 2.png
PIN_ Script Fonts.png
Sans Serif 1.png
PIN_ Mono Fonts.png
Sans Serif 2.png

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Want my help building your site? Get in touch below.

Marie Evans

Marie is a Squarespace Web Designer and SEO expert based in the UK. I work as a freelance designer and also for SEOSpace helping manage their agency services as well as marketing the plugin.


Why your journey is your own (and why competition doesn’t matter).


Why I Use Squarespace